Static Site Generator and Frameworks


Front Matter's goal is not to be opinionated on which static site generator or framework you are using. We want to support all of them out there, but they can have their requirements, configurations, ...

In this section of the documentation, we will list them up and tell more about how you can get started.

Support additional file types

As there are many static site generators out there, we probably do not support all the file types by default. However, you do not have to worry, if there is a file type you want to support, you can easily add it to the frontMatter.content.supportedFileTypes setting.

By default, Front Matter supports: md, markdown, and mdx. If you want to support other types, just add these to the frontMatter.content.supportedFileTypes setting.

  "frontMatter.content.supportedFileTypes": [ "md", "markdown", "mdx", "svx" ]


To use Front Matter with Astro, you can check out the following guide on the Astro website: Front Matter CMS & Astro


Check out our Hugo configuration documentation to get you started using Front Matter: Front Matter configuration with Hugo.


Check out our Next.js configuration documentation to get you started using Front Matter: Front Matter configuration with Next.js.

Other static site generators

In case you are using a static site generator which is not listed here, feel free to reach out to us to check how we can help you configure Front Matter CMS in your project.

You can help us by adding the documentation for your static site generator to this documentation.

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