Sample scripts

Here are some sample scripts you can use to extend Front Matter CMS.

Content scripts

Share content

The following script can be used to share content on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Share script
import { ContentScript } from '@frontmatter/extensibility';

(() => {
  const contentScriptArgs = ContentScript.getArguments();
  if (contentScriptArgs) {
    const { frontMatter: { title, slug }, answers } = contentScriptArgs;

    if (!answers) {
        name: "platform",
        message: "Where do you want to share the article?",
        options: ["Twitter", "LinkedIn"]

    const platform = answers.platform;
    if (!platform) {
      ContentScript.done(`No platform provided`);

    const url = `https://<YOUR-URL>${slug.startsWith("/") ? slug : `/${slug}`}`;
    let shareUrl = "";
    if (platform === "Twitter") {
      shareUrl = `${encodeURIComponent(title)}&url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`;
    } else if (platform === "LinkedIn") {
      shareUrl = `${encodeURIComponent(url)}`;


Share script configuration
  "frontMatter.custom.scripts": [
      "title": "Share blog post",
      "script": "./scripts/share.mjs",
      "command": "~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.11.1/bin/node",
      "type": "content"

Media scripts

Optimize image

The following script can be used to optimize the image using the imagemin dependency.

Optimize image
import { MediaScript } from '@frontmatter/extensibility';
import { dirname } from 'path';

(async () => {
  const mediaScriptArgs = MediaScript.getArguments();
  if (!mediaScriptArgs) {
    MediaScript.done(`No arguments found`);

  const { mediaPath } = mediaScriptArgs;
  if (!mediaPath) {
    MediaScript.done(`No media path found`);

  const imagemin = (await import("imagemin")).default;
  const imageminJpegtran = (await import("imagemin-jpegtran")).default;
  const imageminPngquant = (await import("imagemin-pngquant")).default;

  await imagemin([mediaPath], {
    destination: dirname(mediaPath),
    glob: false,
    plugins: [imageminJpegtran(), imageminPngquant()],

  MediaScript.done(`Optimized image ${mediaPath}`);


  • npm i imagemin imagemin-jpegtran imagemin-pngquant


Optimize image script configuration
  "frontMatter.custom.scripts": [
      "title": "Optimize image",
      "script": "./scripts/optimize-image.mjs",
      "command": "~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/bin/node",
      "type": "mediaFile"

Convert image to webp

The following script converts an image to the webp format, copies the metadata, and deletes the original file.

Convert image to webp script
import { MediaScript } from '@frontmatter/extensibility';
import sharp from 'sharp';

(async () => {
  const mediaScriptArgs = MediaScript.getArguments();

  if (!mediaScriptArgs) {
    MediaScript.done(`No arguments found`);

  const imagePath = mediaScriptArgs.mediaPath;

  let image = sharp(imagePath);
  const extension = imagePath.split(`.`).pop();
  let newFilePath = imagePath.replace(`.${extension}`, `.webp`);

  await image.toFormat("webp").toFile(newFilePath);
  MediaScript.copyMetadataAndDelete(imagePath, newFilePath);


  • npm i sharp


Convert image script configuration
  "frontMatter.custom.scripts": [
      "title": "Convert image to webp",
      "script": "./scripts/convert-image-to-webp.mjs",
      "command": "~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/bin/node",
      "type": "mediaFile"

Other languages

Bash starter

Bash starter
echo "workspaceArg: $1"
echo "fileArg: $2"
echo "frontMatterArg: $3"

Python starter

Python starter

import sys

print(f'workspaceArg: {sys.argv[1]}')
print(f'fileArg: {sys.argv[2]}')
print(f'frontMatterArg: {sys.argv[3]}')


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