Featured & showcases
Check out where Front Matter got featured and for which sites its used.
Want to add your site or article/video/... to our showcase page? Great, open a showcase on Github!
Articles / videos / etc.
- 21. Front Matter, VS Code extensions & Pimp Your Own Device - with Elio Struyf @ Betatalks podcast
- A look at the features and benefits of the Front Matter CMS @ Elio Struyf
- Front Matter #49 in the Top 100+ Developer Tools 2021 @ stackshare
- Front Matter - CMS für statische Website-Generatoren @ fryboyter
- Front Matter CMS - a bit different approach to content management @ Maciek Palmowski
- Front Matter CMS for VSCode @ Maxim Orlov
- Front Matter Headless CMS for Visual Studio Code @ The Chris and Andre Show
- Front Matter: a headless CMS for Hugo that runs in VS Code @ Nick Gracilla
- Goodbye WordPress, Hello Hugo @ Matthew Burr
- How to move your blog from Wordpress to Hugo @ Luise Freese
- James Q Quick - How I Manage My Markdown Blog @ James Q Quick
- Marketing and Documentation Site with Gitpod, Frontmatter CMS and Hugo SSG @ Bryan Klein
- OSS Maintainer Interview | Front Matter @ GitKraken
- Publier un BLOG GRATUITEMENT avec HUGO, Front Matter et Netlify en MOINS D'UNE HEURE @ YeanDev
- Publier un blog HYPER simplement! @ YeanDev
- Release Radar · January 2022 Edition @ GitHub Blog
- Release Radar · March 2022 Edition @ GitHub Blog
Websites managed by Front Matter CMS

Elio Struyf
Personal website/blog from Elio Struyf created with Hugo and Tailwind. Managed by Front Matter.

Emanuele Bartolesi
Personal blog of Emanuele Bartolesi. Content stored as markdown files on GitHub, built with Gatsby. All content are managed with Front Matter.

Jahir Fiquitiva
Personal website and blog from Jahir Fiquitiva created with NextJS, TypeScript and Styled Components. Blog content managed by Front Matter.

Personal website/blog of Luise Freese created with a Hugo template. Managed with Front Matter.

Maxim Orlov
Helping Node.js developers write better applications 🚀. Created with Eleventy & Tailwind. Content managed with Front Matter.

Personal blog of Michael Fasani, content stored as markdown in GitHub, built with Gatsby, managed with Front Matter.

Pimp Your Own Device is created with Hugo and Bootstrap. Managed by Front Matter.

SelectedTech is a group of four MVP's doing sessions on Microsoft 365 and the AI ecosystem. Build on Hugo and Front Matter and hosted in Azure.

Squarl is created with Next.js and Tailwind. Managed by Front Matter.

The Chris and Andre Show
We created "The Chris and Andre Show " with Pelican. Managed in part with Front Matter.

What is wrong with your dog?
A blog containing my writing on tech and other issues. Slightly salty at times.

Fluent design for everyone and Microsoft 365 applications, created with Hugo and managed by Front Matter.
Templates/themes with Front Matter CMS integration
Want to add your site or article/video/... to our showcase page? Great, open a showcase on Github!