
Placeholders can be used in content type fields or templates. The placeholders allow you to automatically fill in values when creating a new content.

Default placeholders

{{title}}Title of the page
{{slug}}Slug of the page
{{now}}Current date formatted with the value defined in frontMatter.taxonomy.dateFormat or ISO string
{{year}}Current year
{{month}}Current month
{{day}}Current day
{{hour12}}Current hour in 12-hour format
{{hour24}}Current hour in 24-hour format
{{ampm}}Show AM/PM
{{minute}}Current minute

Special placeholders

PlaceholderDescriptionWorks for
{{seoTitle}}This creates a SEO friendly slug from the title. More info can be found in the slug section.slugTemplate properties
{{date|<format>}}Use the publishing date of your article in the preview URL. Example: /blog/{{date|yyyy-MM}}previewPath property
{{locale}}The locale of the page.previewPath property
{{fm.<field name>}}The value of the field in the front matterslugTemplate and previewPath properties
{{pathToken.<index>}}The value of the path token at the indexpreviewPath on the page folder or the content-type
{{pathToken.relPath}}The relative value path staring from the page folder' pathpreviewPath on the page folder or the content-type

Example 1

Example of how you can use the special placeholders:

Using the special placeholders
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
    "title": "post",
    "filePrefix": null,
    "previewPath": "/{{fm.type}}/{{pathToken.3}}/{{pathToken.4}}",
    "path": "[[workspace]]/content/{{year}}/{{month}}",
    "contentTypes": ["post"]

The preview path will generate the following path: /post/2023/02/<slug>.

Example 2

Using the relative path token
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
    "title": "post",
    "filePrefix": null,
    "previewPath": "/{{pathToken.relPath}}/",
    "path": "[[workspace]]/content"

If a file would exist in: ./content/docs/ The preview path will generate the following path: /docs/settings/.

Example 3: using field formatting

In case of using the {{fm.<field name>}} placeholder, you can also use field formatting. Here is an example of how you can use field formatting:

Using field formatting
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
    "title": "blog",
    "filePrefix": null,
    "previewPath": "'/{{fm.type}}/{{fm.pubDate|format:dd/MM/yy}}/'",
    "path": "[[workspace]]/content"

The above configuration results in the following path: /blog/25/02/23/.

Placeholder field formatting

Example 4: using the {{date|<format>}} placeholder

The {{date|<format>}} placeholder can be used in the previewPath property and uses the field with the name date or a date field where the isPublishDate property is set to true.

Using the date placeholder
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
    "title": "blog",
    "filePrefix": null,
    "previewPath": "/{{fm.type}}/{{date|yyyy}}",
    "path": "[[workspace]]/content"

The above configuration results in the following path: /blog/2024/.

Example 5: using the {{locale}} placeholder

The {{locale}} placeholder will return the locale of the page when you have a multi-language setup.

Using the locale placeholder
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
    "title": "blog",
    "filePrefix": null,
    "defaultLocale": "en",
    "previewPath": "/{{locale}}",
    "path": "[[workspace]]/content"

The above configuration results in the following path for English content: /en/<slug>/.

You can also ignore a specific locale by using the ignore:<locale> option.

Ignoring a specific locale
"frontMatter.content.pageFolders": [
    "title": "blog",
    "filePrefix": null,
    "defaultLocale": "en",
    "previewPath": "/{{locale|ignore:en}}",
    "path": "[[workspace]]/content"

The above configuration results in the following path for English content: /<slug>/. For other locales, the preview path will generate the following path: /<locale>/<slug>/ (e.g. /nl/<slug>/).

Custom placeholders

You can define you own placeholders within the frontMatter.content.placeholders setting. There are two types of placeholders you can create:

  • static: A static placeholder that will be replaced with a static value (you can use another placeholder in the value)
  • dynamic: A dynamic placeholder that will use a script to generate the value

Static placeholders

Here is an example of a static permalink placeholder:

"frontMatter.content.placeholders": [
    "id": "permalink",
    "value": "/blog/{{slug}}.html"

The static placeholder's value is adding some text and it will also include the slug of the page. There is no extra logic that is executed to generate the value.

To use the permalink placeholder, you need to define the {{permalink}} value in your content type or template.

  "title": "Permalink",
  "name": "permalink",
  "type": "string",
  "default": "{{permalink}}"

Dynamic placeholders

Dynamic placeholders allow you to use custom scripts to generate the value. The difference with the static placeholder is that instead of specifying a value, you need to specify a script and command property.

Placeholder definition

Here is an example of a dynamic uniqueId placeholder:

"frontMatter.content.placeholders": [
    "id": "uniqueId",
    "script": "./scripts/uniqueId.mjs",
    "command": "~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/bin/node"

Placeholder script

To get started, you first need to install the @frontmatter/extensibility dependency.

npm i @frontmatter/extensibility

Once installed, you can use the following example:

import { PlaceholderScript } from "@frontmatter/extensibility";

const { workspacePath, filePath, title, answers } = PlaceholderScript.getArguments();

PlaceholderScript.done(Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15));

Like the other content scripts, you can use other types of scripts like Python, Bash, and more.

The base script for a dynamic placeholder similar to the content script. The difference is that instead of retrieving the whole front matter object, you will receive the title. The reason is that the file is still not completely processed, and not all front matter fields are available.


In case you need to retrieve the whole front matter object, you can make use of the postScript property on your content type in combination with a content script.

You can also ask additional input/questions during the placeholder script execution. For instance, if you want to pick between a category upon content creation, you can use the PlaceholderScript.askQuestions method.

import { PlaceholderScript } from "@frontmatter/extensibility";

(async () => {
  const { answers } =

  if (!answers) {
        name: "category",
        message: "What category do you want to use for this article?",
        options: [
          "Getting Started",

  const { category } = answers;

  if (!category) {


Placeholder usage

To use the ogImage placeholder, you need to define the {{ogImage}} value in your field as follows:

  "title": "Unique ID",
  "name": "uniqueId",
  "type": "string",
  "default": "{{uniqueId}}"


Last updated on

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