Version 8.0.0 release notes

Check out the new features that version 8.0.0 of Front Matter has to offer.


Taxonomy dashboard

The taxonomy view is a powerful way to manage your taxonomy like categories, tags, or any other taxonomy.

On the taxonomy view, you can create, edit, delete, and move taxonomy terms from one type to another.

Taxonomy dashboard view

Info: Read more about it in the taxonomy view section.

List field

The new list field can be used to add multiple text values. For instance, if you want to create page aliases, this field can be used.

List field

Info: Read more about it in the list field section.

Slug field

Previously, from the actions section in the Front Matter panel, you had the option to generate/update the slug of the page. In this version, we have introduced a new slug field type which allows you to make changes to the slug or let Front Matter update it.

Slug field

Info: Read more about it in the slug field section.

Since content types became the prefered option to create new content with Front Matter, we have introduced the ability to link a template to a content type. This is useful if you have some pre-defined content that you need to use in the content/pages you are creating.

Template property

Info: Read more about it in the using a template with the content type section.

Preview path configuration property for page folders

In this version we introduced a new previewPath property on the page folder setting level. This property allows you to define a custom preview path for all the pages in the given folder.

Preview path property

With this change, you can now define the preview path on three levels: globally, on page folder level, and on content type level.

Media dashboard improvements

The media dashboard has been improved to group the folders/files by their type and parent folder.

Media dashboard grouping

✨ New Features

  • #291: New taxonomy dashboard for managing tags, categories, and custom taxonomies

🎨 Enhancements

  • Ignore the SEO keywords field for missing content type field
  • #307: New list field which allows to create a list of items
  • #345: Media dashboard UI improvements to visualize the content and public folders
  • #349: New slug field which allows you to manage the slug of your post from the Front Matter panel
  • #350: New previewPath property for the frontMatter.content.pageFolders setting. This allows you to specify a section prefix for all content created in that directory.
  • #351: New template property for content types which allows you to combine templates and content types for content creation
  • #353: Add the default content type on project initialization
  • #366: Better support for using block fields in another block field

🐞 Fixes

  • #348: Fix media dashboard breadcrumb when multiple page folders are in use
  • #356: Re-introduce the labelField to the frontMatter.taxonomy.fieldGroups setting
  • #358: Fix for relative path of the public folder
  • #364: Honour file ending rules in data files
  • #365: Show spinner on the initial load of the content dashboard

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