Version 6.1.0 release notes

A minor release, but with many new great enhancements. Check what v6.1.0 release of Front Matter has to offer.


New block field

A new field type got introduced called: block. The block field type allows you to define a group of fields which can be used to create a list of data. In most cases, you will use this field type to create a data list that your Static-Site Generator can use to render the content.

Block field type rendering

More info: block field

Activity bar icon

The Front Matter icon got updated to show the FM logo, instead of the full logo for better visibility.

New activity bar icon

Keep state of collapsible sections in the Front Matter panel

Logic of the collapsible sections in the Front Matter panel got updated to keep the state of the sections in the panel. Next time you open the panel, it will remember which sections are open/closed.

Taxonomy limit property

The tags, categories, and taxonomy field types got a new property called limit. This property allows you to limit the number of items that can be selected in the field.

Taxonomy limit

Extra media placeholders for your media snippets

Besides the {mediaUrl}, {caption}, {alt}, and {filename}. You will now also have access to the {mediaHeight}, and {mediaWidth} placeholders for your media snippets.

More info: Insert your own media snippets

✨ New features

  • #176: New block field type that allows you to you to define a group of fields which can be used to create a list of data

🎨 Enhancements

  • Updated the activity bar icon for better visibility
  • Storing the panel collapse section states
  • #241: Added taxonomy limit field property which allows you to limit the number of selections
  • #242: Keep comments at the root of the front matter
  • #248: Added support for front matter highlighting to all file types specified in frontMatter.content.supportedFileTypes
  • #255: Added support for default values on block fields / data creation
  • #257: Allow preview images to be used in multi-dimensional fields
  • #271: Added image size placeholders for media snippets

⚡️ Optimizations

  • Show the data item its details when clicking on the record
  • Refactoring of the explorer view panel listeners
  • Added {{now}} placeholder to the publishing date for content creation
  • #243: Refactoring front matter parsing

🐞 Fixes

  • #247: Fix the front matter highlighting in markdown documents
  • #261: Fix to allow that tag and category fields can be renamed
  • #264: Fix for Windows paths on content folder registration
  • #268: Fix for panel which only shows loading indicator

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