Version 10.7.0 release notes

Discover the new features in Version 10.7.0, including GitHub Copilot prompts, media actions, and enhanced SEO panel improvements.


Ability to prompt GitHub Copilot from a custom script/action

You are now able to prompt GitHub Copilot straight from your custom script/action. This functionality allows you to use the power of AI to generate titles, descriptions, or any other content you need.

Here is an example of how you can prompt GitHub Copilot to generate a social message for sharing an article on Bluesky:

Prompting GitHub Copilot
import { ContentScript } from "@frontmatter/extensibility";

(() => {
  const contentScriptArgs = ContentScript.getArguments();
  if (contentScriptArgs) {
    const {
      frontMatter: { title, description, slug },
  } = contentScriptArgs;

  if (!promptResponse) {
    ContentScript.promptCopilot(`Create me a social message for sharing this article on Bluesky.
  To generate the post, please use the following information:

  Title: """${title}"""
  Description: """${description}"""

  The output should be plain text and should not include any markdown or HTML tags.
  You are free to add hashtags.

  IMPORTANT: Please make sure to keep the post under 265 characters.`);

  const shareUrl = `${encodeURIComponent(promptResponse)}%20${encodeURIComponent(url)}`;;

Here is an example of how you can configure the script in your frontmatter.json:

The script configuration
  "frontMatter.custom.scripts": [{
    "title": "Share blog post",
    "script": "./scripts/share.mjs",
    "type": "content"

You can find more information about in the prompting GitHub Copilot documentation section.

Added media folder common actions

You can now perform common actions on media folders. These actions include:

  • Edit: Change the folder name
  • Delete: Remove the folder

Media actions

UX improvements for the SEO panel view

With the help of Tooster, the Front Matter side panel view has been improved. The SEO section has been completely redesigned and now provides a better overview of the SEO status of your content.

Front Matter - SEO Status

Ability to define custom "group by" options

Like defining your own filter and sorting options, you can now also define your own "group by" options. This functionality allows you to group your content by custom fields.

Here is an example of how you can define custom "group by" options:

Example of adding custom grouping options
  "frontMatter.content.grouping": [
      "title": "Content Type",
      "name": "fmContentType"

You can find more information about in the grouping documentation section.

New setting to define the default timezone for date formatting

A new setting has been added to define the default timezone for date formatting. By default, it is set to UTC.

Setting the default timezone
  "": "UTC"

🎨 Enhancements

  • #405: Added new frontMatter.content.grouping setting which allows you to define custom "group by" options
  • #705: UX improvements for the panel view
  • #887: Added new setting, by default it is set to UTC for date formatting
  • #888: Added the ability to prompt GitHub Copilot from a custom script/action
  • #892: Added media folder common actions

🐞 Fixes

  • #895: Fix issue with array values in filters

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