Version 7.0.0 release notes

Front Matter version 7 brings you the ability to create and manage snippets, but there is a lot more in this release.


✂️ Snippets

A snippet is code, markup, text that you can save and reuse, and Front Matter now gives you the ability to create and manage snippets. The snippets functionality is a great way to reuse some code you have written and don't want to write again and again, but it will help you and help your editors.

Snippets dashboard (light)

📅 Datetime field properties

The frontMatter.taxonomy.dateField and frontMatter.taxonomy.modifiedField settings have been deprecated and are replaced with the isPublishDate and isModifiedDate datetime field properties.

We made a guide available to migrate from the old settings to the new properties. Read more in the publish and modified date migration section.

💬 Slide over panel

A new slide-over panel got introduced, which replaces the modal dialog. You can now see more information about the current media file in the new panel.

Media slide over the panel with media details

🙈 Hiding media files of content folder

When you are not using page bundles, you might notice that you now can only insert media files from the public folder. The media files within the content folder are excluded.

Only for content types that are pageBundle enabled, the dashboard will show media files from the public and content folder.

📕 Documentation updates

Updates to the content creation section of the documentation which now includes all the types of fields Front Matter supports. Each field type is explained in detail with a configuration and outcome details.

✨ New Features

  • #175: New snippet support + dashboard
  • #281: New isPublishDate and isModifiedDate datetime field properties

🎨 Enhancements

  • Light color theme enhancements to media cards
  • Light color theme enhancements to folder cards
  • Added collapse and dashboard button to the view title of the FM Panel
  • Show content commands only when a supported file type is active
  • Added {{year}}, {{month}}, and {{day}} placeholders for fields
  • #272: New slide over panel for showing details of media files
  • #276: Add a Front Matter walkthrough for VS Code
  • #270: Only show media files from public folder if pageBundle is not enabled on any of the content types
  • #282: Insert relative paths for media files located in a page bundle (also sub-folders)
  • #283: Added published date sorting options for the content dashboard
  • #286: Refresh button added for the content page
  • #287: Show folder name on files for recently modified files
  • #292: Lower fuzzy search threshold for the content dashboard

🐞 Fixes

  • #279: Fix for content dashboard updates for all registered types
  • #280: Fix to not automatically set dates on new files that do not contain front matter
  • #284: Show the WYSIWYG controls on all supported file types
  • #290: Fix for onDidChangeTextEditorSelection listener sending metadata updates

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